Word Lookup
This page contains a list of all words we currently have Egyptian Arabic dialect translations for starting with the English letter M. It is organized alphabetically by the English words and can be filtered by a different letter to help locate the word you are searching for if you are no able to find it in the current list. If you know the exact word you want the translation for, consider using the "Find a word" box on the homepage.
Currently filtered by the English letter M
English | Egyptian Arabic | Audio Pronunciation |
Mad | مدايق | |
Madam | يا مدام | |
Magazine | مجلة | |
Magnificent | هايل | |
يجنن | ||
Manager | مدير | |
Manners | ذوق | |
Many Thanks | الف شكر | |
Marriage | الجواز | |
Married | متجوز | |
Maryland | مريلاند | |
Material | قماش | |
Maternal Aunt | خالة | |
Maternal Uncle | خال | |
Maybe | ممكن | |
Meat | لحمة | |
Mechanic | ميكانيكي | |
Mediterranean Sea | البحر الابيض | |
Medium | متوسط | |
وسط | ||
Melodies | انغام | |
Melon | شمام | |
Menu | منيو | |
Metro Station | محطة مترو | |
Milk | لبن | |
Mineral Water | مية معدنية | |
Mixer | خلاط | |
Modern | حديث | |
Modern Standard Arabic | فصحى | |
Molar | ضرس | |
Monday | الاتنين | |
Money | فلوس | |
Month | شهر | |
Months | شهور | |
Moon | قمر | |
More | اكثر | |
More Or Less | نص نص | |
Mosque | جامع | |
Motorcycle | موتوسيكل | |
Mountain | جبل | |
Museum | متحف | |
Museums | متاحف | |
Mustard | مستردة | |
My Book | كتابي |