Word Lookup
This page contains a list of all the words we currently have Egyptian Arabic dialect translations for. It is organized alphabetically by the English words and can be filtered by letter to help locate the word you are searching for. If you know the exact word you want the translation for, consider using the "Find a word" box on the homepage.
English | Egyptian Arabic | Audio Pronunciation |
Players | لعيبة | |
Please | سمحتلو | |
Plurals | جموع | |
Pollution | تلوث | |
التلوث | ||
Pomegranate | رمان | |
Post Office | بوسطة | |
Potatoes | سبطاط | |
Pound | جنيه | |
Pretty | حلو-ة : حلوين | |
Prison | سجن | |
Prize | جايزة | |
Pronoun | ضمير | |
Pronunciation | النطق | |
Prunes | خوخ | |
Purple | بنفسجي | |
Quarter | ربع | |
Queen | ملكة | |
Question | سوال | |
Quiet | هادي | |
Radish | فجل | |
Rain | مطر | |
Raisin | عنب | |
Reception | الاستقبال | |
Receptionist | موظف استقبال | |
Recipe | وصفة | |
Red | احمر : حمرا | |
Red Sea | البحر الاحمر | |
Refridgerator | تلاجة | |
Refrigerator | تلاجة | |
Regular | عادي | |
Restaurant | مطعم | |
Revolution | بثورة | |
Rice | ارز | |
Right | صحيح | |
Ring | خاتم | |
River | نهر | |
Rome | رومانية | |
Room | اوضف | |
Rule | قاعدة | |
Ruler | مسطرة | |
Safe | امان | |
Salesman | بياع | |
Salt | ملح | |
Sand | الرمل | |
Sand Storm | عاصفة رملية | |
Saturday | السبت | |
Sausage | سجق | |
Scale | ميزان | |
Scenery | مناظر |