Word Lookup
This page contains a list of all the words we currently have Egyptian Arabic dialect translations for. It is organized alphabetically by the English words and can be filtered by letter to help locate the word you are searching for. If you know the exact word you want the translation for, consider using the "Find a word" box on the homepage.
English | Egyptian Arabic | Audio Pronunciation |
Hot | سخن | |
House | بيت | |
Housewife | ست بيت | |
How Are You? | ازيك؟ | |
عامل ايه؟ | ||
How Many? | كام؟ | |
How Much Is The Total? | الحساب كام؟ | |
How Much? How Many? | كام؟ | |
Huge | ضخمة | |
Humid | رطب | |
Humidity | رطوبة | |
Ice | تلج | |
Idiot | عبيط | |
Ignorant | جاهل | |
Illuminated | منور | |
Important | مهم | |
In | في | |
In Between | بين | ![]() |
In Front | قدام | |
In Front Of | قدام | |
Indian | هندي | |
Indian Ocean | المحيط الهندي | |
Inside | جوه | |
Instant Coffee | نسكافيه | |
Institute | معهد | |
Intelligent | ذكي | |
Invention | اختراع | |
Invitation | عزومة | |
Isn't It? | مش كده؟ | |
Italy | ايطاليا | |
Jeweler | جواهرجي | |
Jewelry | مجوهرات | |
Job | وظيفة | |
Jobs | وظايف | |
Journal | جورنال | |
Journalist | صحفي, صحفية | |
Judge | قاضي | |
Juice | عصير | |
Kefir Cheese | لبنة | |
Key | مفتاح | |
Keys | مفاتيح | |
King | ملك | |
Knife | سكين | |
سكينة | ||
Lamb Meat | ضاني | |
Lantern | فانوس | |
Large | كبير | ![]() |
Late | متاخر | |
Laundromat | مغسلة | ![]() |
Law School | كلية الحقوق |